Tuesday, September 26, 2017

                                           The  king’s escort

The king’s house is under attack. His best friend is a pilot, so he
took him to safety. He was flying for two days.
On the third day they noticed that they were getting followed.
And suddenly boom the engine got shot, ‘we're going down’.
Take the control shouted his friend, the king did not know how to
fly a plane especially a 1million dollar plane.     

The king’s friend fixed the engine but!!!! It took him  45 minutes to fix it the just about got shot. He got back in the plane and shot the bad soldiers.And landed safely on the runway and the king got taken
to the safe house. However there not safe yet in fact he missed one
of the soldiers. The king got out in time because there was a bomb
going to hit the safe house .

King arthur got into his lamborghini egoista drove as fast as possible
Arthur found a hotel he could stay at but it wasn't safe for long.
King arthur called the army and the army came as fast
as they could the army found king arthur they took
Arthur to a military base the base was in the middle of
no where there were no satellites so they could not be  followed.
King Arthur's house was getting repaired and when he
got home his house was repaired.

By josh mc

Sunday, September 10, 2017

5 Story Starters

1. His so poor he lives in a garbage can e he feeds on rubbish he steals food from people
2.I live in the creepiest house on earth there are ghost everywhere I peed my pants when I saw it...
3.He hates himself and everyone he sees he killed the president he has no parents because eat them
4.He owns a private jet the jet was Donald Trump's it has gold interior it is an awesome plane
5.He's the richest person on earth he has a $250,000,000 house .

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

               Football speech  
I have been playing football for four years and I've scored No goals!!! I`m joking I've scored countless goals.

My favourite team is Manchester united because they have very good strikers like Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Paul Pogba .

My second favourite team is psg which stands for Paris saint-germain. One of my favourite player got transferred To PSG his name is Neymar. My favourite players are
Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Neymar. Do you know how much footballers get paid? Ronaldo makes 32 million dollars  a year!!! Neymar gets 9.8 million dollars and Zlatan Ibrahimovic 11 million dollars. That is crazy right.

There are two New Zealand football teams. The football teams are the All Whites and the Wellington Phoenix. The All Whites are the whole NZ team. And the Phoenix are the Wellington team.

Football  is my favourite sport and it will always stay that way. For ever  I HOPE !!!!. the best footballers
Are Ronaldo,Messi,Neymar and to me Zlatan
.If you don`t play football you should
It the best sport plus it keeps you fit unless you
Want to sit on our bum and watch TV all day  .

There is a downside to football you can get injured
But if you have courage wall then you can play
But if you don't like it don't do it but I tall you

It awesome so please play.